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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

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I slept very well last night so my mood is much improved since yesterday. Amazing what a day can make. Not much to say today. I really don't like one of my co-workers. He is from a different country where I am guessing women are treated like shit. I don't care if he was raised and taught that women are inferior. YOU ARE IN CANADA NOW! Here women are not here to do your bidding. I got fed up and spoke to the manager about the situation. Apparently I am not the first to have this problem with him. Normally I would act as a grown-up and confront a co-worker on a problem but I have learned that chauvinist men are best left alone. I feel this man has the potential for violence and is best left alone.


Blogger sunShine said...

Chauvanistic men, I think we should wage a war against them!

6:15 a.m.  

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