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Monday, June 27, 2005

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On My Tiny Dancer
I have my own Tiny Dancer. She is 7 and the smallest in her class. Even though I held her back from starting kindergarten an extra year and is almost a whole year younger than her friends she is still the tiniest! After she was born she was diagnosed with a genetic disease that has left her with low muscle tone and a very slight frame. She tires easily does not have the same stamina as other children her age. We have spent many, many hours in physiotherapy. Tonight she had her Highland Dancing Awards and won the award for Most Promising Dancer! And she is good. Really good! Her teacher has told me that she has seen a natural ability and thinks if she stays with it The Girl will be able to go far with it. I am so proud of her. She got her first trophy and is very excited!
On How the Diet is Going
Let's just say it's not. It really isn't a "diet" per se but more of getting back to a more active lifestyle. I already eat fairly well, though the last few weeks I have eaten about 94 hotdogs. I did not do an workout last week because I was feeling so lousy. So anyway, I am at the same place I started!
On Bumper Stickers
What the hell would possess someone to take a bright yellow sticker over a foot long and slap it on a brand new 2005 car? Why would someone decrease the value of their car with a bumper sticker? I can understand if you drive a piece of shit like I do. My car is almost an antique! It is dented and scratched and a bumper sticker adds to the overall look of junkiness. But on a new car? Makes no sense to me! If you have ever put a bumper sticker on a brand new car please tell me your reasoning.
On Snoopy Happy Hopping
I have now added my beloved Snoopy to my posts. I just love the little guy hopping and looking so joyous! Hard to not smile just a teeny bit when I see him. Makes me want to skip wherever he is going right along with him! I think he is going to see Woodstock! Where do you think he is headed? (Rude comments will be deleted!)


Blogger gal artist said...

That is so awesome that your little girl won that trophy. She must be one tough little cookie to beat the odds like that. :)

2:46 a.m.  
Blogger David said...

Congrats on her trophy. And get back on the exercise program. Don't let a bad week defeat you.

3:38 a.m.  
Blogger Jezzy said...

Congrats to the gorgeous girl. Well done to her.

Losing weight sucks. I'm trying to get back to my pre-wedding weight. It's so hard.

3:45 a.m.  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Barbara: To answer your question at my place, Mr. Snake is married.

On the "goings-on" that you mention, that sometimes gets under way here, but then the romantic couple forgets what they were doing.

Nice Snoopy! Swell dancer child trophy winner!

7:29 a.m.  
Blogger wanda said...

I love this new look! It's so refreshing. Reminds me of a creamscicle. MMMM delicious.

Your tiny dancer earned (I hate the word won, she didn't win it she EARNED it) herself a trophy!! How cool is that? Just goes to show it's not the size of the package, but the heart that beats inside, that counts. Kudo's to her for her hard earned success.

12:41 p.m.  
Blogger Vickie said...

Yayyyy for your sweet and talented Tiny Dancer!!! I am so proud for her....awhhhh.

I love your Snoopy! He makes me smile too.

2:08 p.m.  
Blogger Tee/Tracy said...

Thanks for visiting my blog - I really like yours and will be back. That is awesome that your girl is doing so great in dancing! It's so thrilling to discover their natural talents!

As for the hotdogs - I ate 97, I got you beat. LOL. ;)

And the bumper sticker thing - I don't know. Hubby wanted to put an OBX sticker on my mini van and I wouldn't let him - not even on the window. I had a beat up car a long time ago that I put bumper stickers on, but not this one!

5:43 p.m.  
Blogger BarbaraMG said...

Leslie you silly! Actaully that is one of the beauties of Highland. Any body type can succeed at it. There are girls there that are thin as rakes and girls that are quite heavy. The Girl's teacher is a fairly big-boned woman herself!
As for being too poor I understand. My mom and dad pay for The Girl's Highland Dancing and The Boy's Tae Kwon Do. I am blessed to have such a great family.

8:07 p.m.  

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