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Thursday, July 07, 2005

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Just two days ago I was wondering when and where the next attack would be. I knew that is was not over and I know it will not be over for a very long time. To all who were directly affected by today's attacks my prayers are with you. To the rest of the world that was indirectly affected, continue to stand strong.
"Kelly Ellard gets life sentence for 1997 killing of Reena Virk"
because "Ellard was found guilty in May of unleashing a beating on the 14-year-old Virk so severe she was left with shoe imprints in her skull and layers of her fat and muscle were sheered apart.
A pathologist testified it usually takes the force of a car to do such damage."
This is a sentence many of us in Western Canada have been waiting for. For more information on this outrage go here.
I believe that some people are born without conscience and Ellard is one of them. I hope this is the end of this game of appeals Ellard has been playing for 8 years and let the family and friends of Reena move on.


Blogger gal artist said...

Good, I am glad to see justice served. If (even here in the US), they would crack down hard on kids who commit crimes maybe it will make others think about the consequences before they do things like this.

I couldn't believe what her step-father said, 'That she was just a harmless girl.' If she was so harmless then why is a 14 year old dead today?

4:14 a.m.  
Blogger Colleen said...

Hello Barbra,
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I hope we can link up.

11:04 a.m.  
Blogger wanda said...

Well for once, justice has been served.
I too believe there are some people who are born without a conscience. I belive a good many of them can be found not in our prisons but in the political arena.

2:26 p.m.  
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9:33 p.m.  

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