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Sunday, October 23, 2005

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I am sitting colouring my hair. The grey was getting bad and announcing to the world that I am no longer a young woman. (Not that I am by any means old!) I like colouring my hair. I like to experiment though this time I am using the other half of what I used last time. I used to have to use at least 2 bottles but since I shaved my head I only need half a bottle.
I took the kids to the "corn maze" today. It was so much fun! It is fairly easy to find your way out but when your are 9 it is most difficult. We also went on a hay ride and picked out pumpkins! I love the fall. It is my favourite time fo the year!
I am off work tomorrow and going to finish cleaning my house. I am in the process of tearing apart my desk. I finally bought a shredder yesterday and have a few months worth of paper to shred. I need to finish the last of the dishes (yes there were that many) and a few loads of laundry then the house should be back to passable. Tonight however I am going to have a hot bath and hit the sack early.
Upon reflection, it was a little sad to be out at the corn maze today because I was the only single parent there. All the other moms were there with their husbands and I am trudging through the maze solo. I am still really enjoying being single and given the choice I would not want to be in a relationship right now but some days are a little harder than others. All in all though I am happy.


Blogger Phyllis said...

Well I was depressed for a few months when I got single again but I realize the depression was because I missed the drinking! (I quit drinking in June and left my husband in July 1987).
I have been alone now foer 18 years and LOVE it. But then I don't have any kids to worry about. It must be hard with children. My heart goes out to you and the kids.

8:09 p.m.  
Blogger wanda said...

"some days are a little harder than others."

Hon it's that way when your IN a relationship too!

I know it sounds awful, but there are days I'd give almost anything to be single. Especially now that my kids are grown.

12:33 a.m.  
Blogger Queen on the run said...

Hey there lady!!!!

4:16 p.m.  

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