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Friday, November 18, 2005

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Only 3 full weeks of work and then I am on holidays! I can't wait. I am so burned out I don't know how I am going to make it that long.
It was Little Girl's birthday yesterday. She turned 8. My tiny dancer is getting so big! She isn't a baby anymore but I still see her as little. She loves Highland dancing so for her birthday I got her new shoes, tights and bodysuit. Then I felt like it wasn't enough so I went and spent almost $100.00 on art supplies. (gulp) Then to add to the pile of stuff I picked up Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. (sigh) Then her dad came along and bought her a budgie. And guess whose house it is going to live at. I knew he was buying her a bird but I didn't know it was going to live here. I am a little annoyed that he didn't even ask me first. Little Girl just showed up with a bird (that she had already named Bubbles) so what was I to say?
So now I house The Little Man, Little Girl, a cat, a gerbil, 2 fish and a budgie. I live in less than 1000 sq feet. It is crowded!
Does anyone know how I can move my sidebar over more that way? --->
There is that large space that I want my sidebar to be in so my posts don't have to be all scrunched. Pleeeeeeeeease let me know Thank you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your little (not so little) girl!

11:21 p.m.  
Blogger gal artist said...

I hope your little girl had a wonderful birthday.

As for your sidebar, I am clueless.

4:57 a.m.  
Blogger Leesa said...

I just had to say hi and tell you that your profile pic looks like my house!
I will definitely be the eccentric cat lady!
If I could get them all in one pic I would do it.
Maybe I should try catnip??

6:21 a.m.  
Blogger wanda said...

Wow, that's a lot of 'things' living in such a small space. Just try to think of it as cozy.

It's not your sidebar you want to move. It's your text area. I know how to do it, the problem is, while it's simple to do it's kind of hard to explain.
If you'd like me to help (if I can) just email me.

1:29 p.m.  
Blogger Catherine said...

Happy Birthday to your little girl! Sounds like she had a nice one and I bet you will be in love with the bird by the end of the weekend!

4:49 p.m.  
Blogger Queen on the run said...

happy birthday to little girl!!
And I know what you mean. I live in less then 800 square feet and have three kids, a mom, three dogs, three birds, five cats, two fishtanks and an anole!!!!!

6:25 p.m.  
Blogger Chatty said...

Can't help with the sidebar,but I can wish you a happy holiday!

Michele sent me.

9:11 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy birthday Tiny Dancer!


9:17 a.m.  
Blogger ribbiticus said...

sound like she had quite a day to remember! i commiserate about the extra mouth to feed given the limited space. :)

michele sent me your way today.

9:24 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Only one cat? YOu gotta get a lot more before you become the crazy cat lady!

Michele sent me.

1:14 p.m.  
Blogger Suburban Turmoil said...

Good luck getting through the work weeks!

Michele sent me.

1:15 p.m.  
Blogger Sarah said...

Happy Birthday little girl.

We have a dog, a cat and a guiney pig. All three of them were daddy's idea, and guess who takes care of all of them? If I gave him more slack he would get more, he gives in to my 8 and 4 year old than I do.

6:39 p.m.  
Blogger David Edward said...

no idea how to do anything but write, sorry here from michele with no help for you sorry

8:35 p.m.  
Blogger Jezzy said...

Aww - happy birthday to your little one. And yay - for the holidays are soon!

9:18 p.m.  

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