Last night my heart was racing again. It was frightening! Today I went back to my doctor who set my fears to rest. Whatever I have is not imminently serious. I am not going to have a heart attack or a stroke but it sure feels like it. He said it is likely tachycardia ventricular-some-name-I-cannot-remember. Worst case scenario I will have to go on heart medication which really sucks considering I don't smoke, drink, do drugs, drink coffee or do anything fun! I eat fairly well and exercise. However, heart medication is better than being tits-up.
Glad it's not some life threatening thingy.
Take care..
The best news is that a diagnosis and treatment plan has been made. Unfortunatly, this is one of those rare times when it might have been a good idea to have had some bad vices that you could easily cut out instead of doing all the right things and still getting the bad news.
Hopefully this will all be resolved soon and you won't have anything more to worry about for quite a while.
Ugh, that *is* a raw deal for someone who foregoes all the usual vices!
Any health issues are disconcerning even if they tell you its treatable, doesnt make it less scary. You do what you have to to keep yourself 'tits down'? LOL
It amazes me that some people who have done the "don'ts" live a healthy life. Yet some of those who eat and live healthy have conditions.
I never understood that.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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