What the hell? A Root Canal is NOT a piece of cake and it DID hurt! The first part was a week ago and while annoying it was bearable. Today and went back for Part 2 and it was freaking awful. Let me say I have a high pain threshold. When my daughter was born I considered the epidural but then they told me it was time to push. In the end I really wondered what the big deal was. I cry at the drop of a hat but never because I am in physical pain. I don't know what the hell kind torture chamber show today was because whatever was being done was unbearable! It was surprised to find myself gulping for air and tears streaming down my face! It wasn't my eyes watering either. I wanted to rip that damn damn off and tell them both of them to stick that drill where the sun don't shine but I knew that I would have a big ass hole in my tooth if I did. At any rate I still have to go back for visit Number 3 for which I was assured would not be as bad. Well, I should bloody well hope not! I have said it before and I will say it again. I hate the dentist!
Oh man. I'm sorry you had such a nightmarish visit! It sounded awful. Will visit number 3 be the last one? (Hope so!)
Ok let me try this again...leaving a comment that is. I didn't really think it was going to be a piece of cake, I was just trying to help you through this thing. Hope the pain goes away soon and everything is alright. That drill where the sun doesn't shine...ohhh that would have to hurt.lol
I have had a root canal. Not fun. And I don't want to scare you, but I had four steps.
OUCH! My son fell a couple of months ago and 'traumatized' his front tooth. Now it has gone grey, indicating loss of circulation. Guess what? Root Canal for him. Yikes. He is 16 and 6'5", Mr tough guy. Ill give you a full report on his venture to the dentist chair. Hope step 3 is less torturous!
ewww, root canals SUCK. I've had one. No fun.
I haven't been by your site for a long time, the last I saw was that you were taking a break. It's nice to see you back! I'll have to catch up on my reading when I get home from work. Welcome back! :D
Just the words 'root canal' send shivers of pain down my spine.
Huge hugs and kisses to you, dear! I remember the pain of my own root canals and recall they were not fun.
That is EXACTLY why I would rather have a tooth ripped out than go through that again, and I have.
I feel for you.
Ouch, just the thought. Ugh.
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